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Collagen provides powerful nutrients your body needs to thrive, including gelatin, glucosamine, chondroitin and greens superfoods often missing in the diet. These vital nutrients are essential for joint health, gut health, skin health, brain health, and healthy aging loaded with highly- a supplement like this will replenish your collagen stores and reinforce everything from your bones to your hair follicles, absorbable protein, and contains multi-dimensional collagen from real food sources. The only way you'll be able to tell you're drinking it is from all the positive results you'll start seeing in your hair, skin, and nails.

Vitamin E and vitamin C to give your body the extra support it needs to build collagen and fight wrinkles effectively. It also includes glycine, which is essential for repairing skin, tissues, and muscles you'll be keeping your bones and muscles limber and less likely to tear or fracture your immune system, skin, and joints will be thanking you.

All the ingredients work together to improve hydration and elasticity in your skin, ligaments, tendons, gums, and so many other body parts benefit from collagen's superpowers. Not only will these ingredients boost your body's collagen-building skills, but they'll also increase your keratin and elastin levels — two very important factors for healthy, beautiful skin and hair.

A supplement like this will replenish your collagen stores and reinforce everything from your bones to your hair follicles.


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