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Is wheatgrass from a wheat?
The fresh Sprouted leaves of Wheat is called wheatgrass. And one more magical thing in this is wheat seed is gluten but wheat grass is gluten free. So undoubtedly we can use wheatgrass as a supplement.

Is wheatgrass a Superfood?
Wheatgrass often considered as a one of the Superfood but it is actually a food or food supplement. It has the proven benefits by its proven components like chlorophyll, antioxidants, Vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, l and flavonoids.

Why should we drink Wheatgrass juice?
Wheatgrass is used as a herbal medicine because of its therapeutic and nutritional values. Wheatgrass is the best source of chlorophyll which comprised 70% of chlorophyll contents with amino acids, vitamins , minerals and enzymes.

Is Wheatgrass good for health?

Quick Absorption: Your body absorbs Wheatgrass juice in less than twenty minutes and vitality lasts all day.

Multi-Vitamin Substitute: Wheatgrass is a perfectly complete food- provides balanced minerals, vitamins, and essential amino acids.

Weight Loss: Naturally suppresses appetite by fulfilling nutritional requirements.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Wheatgrass has been referred to as Liquid Sunshine. Helps to beat the blues!

Prevents Tooth Decay: Tooth decay is the result of degenerative changes in the body. Gargle with wheatgrass juice for toothaches and sore throats.

Is Wheatgrass is Safe?
Undoubtedly Wheatgrass is safe taking it with limited dosage. Can consult with a physician  or healthcare professional before taking it. Generally daily one glass of juice with water is enough for healthy lifestyle.

What are the health benefits of Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass extract powder contains up to 70% chlorophyll, which is an important for RBC blood builder.

Freshens Breath: Chlorophyll neutralizes bad odors for up to six hours.

Neutralizes Odors: such as mouth odor caused by food, tobacco and metabolic changes, perspiration odor caused by physical exercise, nervousness and foot odor.

Promotes Alertness & Combats Fatigue: Ideal for drivers of automobiles, students before exams. Provides mental awareness without caffeine.

Stimulates Immune System: Chlorophyll possesses an anti-bacterial action, making it a good inner and outer wound healing agent.

Aids Anemia: Chlorophyll in Wheatgrass Aids in Rebuilding the Bloodstream. Chlorophyll Enhances Oxygen transport and increases red blood cell count.

Aids Skin Disorders: Drink Wheatgrass for skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis.

Aids Hypertension: Works toward normalizing high blood pressure as the juice helps to reduce toxins from the blood. Wheatgrass is high in iron, which helps circulation. Enhances the capillaries.
Eases Arthritis: Encapsulates mucous build up, allowing flow of lymphatic fluid. This helps to relieve pressure and allow healing.

Wheatgrass can be used for first aid as its anti bacterial properties promote an unfriendly atmosphere for bacteria growth and chlorophyll promotes external wound healing.

Wheatgrass can provides strong bones and healthy hard nails.

How much wheatgrass should drink on daily basis?
If it is direct wheatgrass raw juice liquid one glass is enough per day because of its high amount of nutritional values. But as a dietary or health supplement can take wheatgrass extract powder 1 to 3 glasses per day taken on empty stomach preferably on morning or one hour before meals. (Can follow our Bio Chlorophyll 3g Wheatgrass Smart Mix directions and dosages)

Is Wheatgrass Gluten-Free?
Wheat seed is gluten but wheat grass is gluten free. So undoubtedly we can use wheatgrass as a juice.

Does Wheatgrass contains iron?
Wheatgrass powder or juice are naturally sourced not only Iron but also vitamins B12, Vitamin C, Iodine, enzymes and antioxidants. Iron for stimulation of the bone marrow production of hemoglobin.

How does wheatgrass helps to cure CANCER OR AIDS?
There is no much evidence that wheatgrass cure CANCER OR AIDS. but researches considered wheatgrass may help in treat tooth cancer. Gargle with wheatgrass juice provides relief from  toothaches and sore throats.

How wheatgrass help for weight loss?
Wheatgrass Researches and users hopefully believed that wheatgrass help in weight loss and build metabolism. Wheatgrass are low in calories and rich in nutrients will help to burn fat faster.

What are the nutritional values of Wheatgrass?

Vitamin A (as Natural Beta Carotene) for improved eye health and to guard against infection.

Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) to aid in the release of energy from foods and promote normal growth and development.

Vitamin C to guard against cardiovascular disease, boost immunity, aid in wound healing.

Vitamin D to maintain blood levels of calcium and promote its absorption.

Vitamin K for proper bone and blood function.

Calcium for strong bones and teeth, nerve cell transmission and health muscle contractions.

Potassium for proper electrolyte and fluid balance.

Iron for stimulation of the bone marrow production of hemoglobin

It is extremely rich in protein, and contains 17 amino acids, the building blocks of protein.

Wheatgrass extract powder contains up to 70% chlorophyll, which is an important blood builder.

Does wheatgrass help for poop?
Wheatgrass really helps to ease poop. Daily one glass of wheatgrass Juice (our Bio Chlorophyll 3g sachet instant mix powder preferred) with water which will definitely drawn away any  kind of indigestibility and irritations.

Does wheatgrass helps for hair growth?
Wheatgrass powder or juice are naturally inherited  vitamins B12, Vitamin C, Iodine and Iron which helps to increases hair growth faster and shiner. And it will strengthen hair follicles, preventing breakage and hair falls. Can add slice of lemon with wheatgrass juice for better results.

Which is Better? Wheatgrass Powder or Wheatgrass Raw Juice
In raw form wheatgrass is tough to digest because of the high fiber and strong taste.
In raw form possibility of bacteria and mold contamination while preparing as juice.
Dried and dehydrated Wheatgrass powder free from bacteria and contamination.
Wheatgrass Extract Powder 2 ounces of our Bio Chlorophyll wheatgrass extract powder is equivalent to eating 4 pounds of green vegetables.

Does taking wheatgrass leads to constipation?
There is no evidence is there that wheatgrass leads to constipation even it is good for constipation. Researchers considered that taking wheatgrass as raw or contaminated juice or overdosed can leads to constipation.

What are the side effects of Wheatgrass?
There is no side effects obviously and it generally considered as safe. But eating wheatgrass as raw may cause to diarrhea, constipation, anorexia and nausea. Preferred usage is can use wheatgrass extract powder (can use of our smart mix sachet) with water.

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