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Showing posts from August, 2020

Moringa Edema Treatment

 Moringa oleifera naturally inherited with antioxidants, omega-3 oils, vital proteins, vitamins & minerals which effectively work against the rapid aging process and build the immune system amazingly. Moringa inbuild with many incredible benefits and one amongst is treating Edema. What is Edema? Edema is fluid swelling on body parts in legs, arms, and ankles, etc. Moringa can treat varicose veins, peripheral edema, pulmonary edema, and effectively on macular edema for diabetes. Moringa can take it as food or as a supplement capsule, powders to maintain a healthy body.

L-arginine Surgery Recovery Medicine

L-arginine is an amino acid sourced naturally from fish, poultry, dairy, and meat. But also can be made in the lab as medicine and probably can be used for recovery after any surgery treatments. Because the chemical Nitric oxide in L-arginine helps blood vessels to improve blood flow. And also used for the treatment of high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, angina pain, and pre-eclampsia.